House 24, Road 24 Ngozika Estate Awka, Anambra State


We focus on providing enterprise IT products

and services to our Client (individual, mid-range and large scale companies or organization).

1. We encourage Teamwork

Working together is paramount to our success. We encourage diversity of opinion and trust.

2. Respect is one of our virtues

We treat all employees, vendors & partners with respect. We thrive on transparency & honesty..

3. We are a passionate Team

We are passionate about the success of our employees, our partners and our products.

4. We are innovative

We dare to be different in all areas of business, take risks and learn from each other.

Apply to Open Roles

Full-time Roles
Intership Roles
  • Php developer
  • Mern Stack Developer
  • Flutter Developer
Kindly Sumbit Your Resume/Cv to [email protected]